We have prayerfully decided to focus our limited resources on making sure that all liturgical activities (Mass, small funerals, small baptisms, etc.) can continue. All non-liturgical parish activities and meetings (Ladies of Charity meetings, fish fry, senior citizen's lunch, etc.) have been cancelled until further notice.
Beginning July 1, a new schedule of when our churches will be open for private prayer will go into effect. St. Columbkille will be open every Wednesday from 9am - 3pm. Our Lady of Lourdes will be open every Friday from 9am - 3pm. These will be the only times throughout the week that our churches will be open during the day for private prayer.
By now, most parishioners have received July's envelopes, addressed to St. Isidore the Farmer Parish. Starting July 1, all six of our churches become part of the new St. Isidore the Farmer Parish. So, when donating to the parish after July 1, all checks should be made out to "St. Isidore the Farmer Parish," rather than the individual church one attends. Thank you for your generosity.