Please click on the link to read an important announcement from Fr. Harry Bielewicz, administrator of our parish grouping, regarding the future of our parishes.
All are invited to join the "31 Club" as a way to pray for priestly vocations. Those who join pledge to perform a spiritual act of their choosing for this intention (e.g., praying a rosary). This is done once a month, on the day of one's birth. Starting Dec. 8, there will binders in the back of church for you to sign up. You may also sign up online by clicking the link.
Anyone (especially nurses) who would like to join the Health Ministry is asked to contact Sharon at 724-926-2984 or [email protected]. Activities of this ministry include: taking blood pressures before or after Masses in each church, visiting shutins, bringing in occasional health speakers, and visiting those hospitalized. There will be an information meeting after the holidays.