As of 8/15/21, the Sunday Mass obligation has been reinstated. As is always the case, it does not apply to those who are seriously ill, have a serious health risk, as well as those who have serious anxiety about being a part of large groups at this time. Likewise, the obligation does not apply to those who care for those who cannot attend Mass in person. Those who are legitimately excused from Mass on Sundays and Holy Days are encouraged to spend time in prayer, meditating on the Death and Resurrection of the Lord, reading the Sacred Scriptures, and uniting themselves to Christ in his worship of the Father of us all. They're also encouraged to view a broadcast of the Mass which is intended for those who cannot participate in person. In our parish, Mass is livestreamed Sunday through Friday at 8am on our Facebook page and Youtube channel.
Our churches are open to full capacity. No reservesations are needed to attend Mass. For those with safety concerns, you may still listen to Mass from your car on 100.5 FM. At St. Columbkille and St. Patrick, the church hall will be available for those who wish to attend Mass from there. One may also attend Mass in the hall at St. Ann, although they will only be able to hear the Mass, not see it. Communion will continue to be distributed in the parking lot of St. Columbkille and St. Ann for those who attend Mass in their cars. All are still encouraged, but not required, to wear masks, regardless of vaccination status.
Click here for a 2/15/22 announcement from Bishop Zubik regarding the latest COVID protocols.
Click here for a 1/7/22 announcement from Bishop Zubik regarding the latest COVID protocols.
Click here for an 12/31/21 announcement from Bishop Zubik outlining the latest COVID protocols.
Click here for a May 12 letter from Bishop Zubik regarding seating capacity for churches.