All are welcome to our 2nd annual parish picnic to be held at Langeloth Community Center, in Langeloth, PA (outside of Burgettstown, PA). We hope all can attend this year's event, which will be on Sunday, August 28, 2022. The picnic will begin at 1:00PM with Mass (fulfilling Sunday obligation) and will be followed by games for adults and children and concluding with a picnic feast. There is no charge to attend. If you would like to contribute a baked good for the dessert table, please bring it that day. Thank you in advance for your contribution to the parish picnic.
An RSVP for the picnic, will be in the bulletin starting June 19th. We ask that you respond no later than Sunday, August 14. You can either place the RSVP in the collection basket, call the parish office at 724-695-7325, or email us at [email protected]. The
facility at Langeloth offers indoor seating (for inclement weather) and outside seating undertents. Langeloth is approximately 20 miles from Imperial and McDonald. It is located at 1421 Langeloth Road, Langeloth, PA 15054 (Smith Township). We look forward to welcoming all our parish family to this event and hope that you will be able to attend.
Any questions regarding the picnic, please contact Bob Sterner at 724-470-4711.