By now, households across the country received their invitation to take part in 2020 Decennial Census. And, for those households that have not yet responded online or by phone, a paper form will arrive in their mailbox soon.
The Census is non-partisan – it’s not Democrat, Republican or Independent, but a Constitutional mandate—and, a right for each of us living or staying in the United States.
A complete and accurate census will help us continue to address concerns of poverty, homelessness, and hunger within our community. As a church, we know how important this is as we reach out through our mission work.
Census data is also what drives funding for our hospitals, emergency services, schools, and programs within our communities including WIC, SNAP, Medicaid, the National School Lunch program, college PELL grants, and Meals on Wheels. We rely on census data to bring funding for public transportation as well as our infrastructures such as roads and bridges.
The U.S. Census Bureau has partnered with faith communities nationwide to get the word out about the importance of the count and helping to ensure we reach everyone, especially our hard-to-count populations.
The U.S. Census Bureau
continues to recruit thousands of workers for temporary jobs available nationwide as part of the 2020 Census. The 2020 Census Jobs website allows applicants to apply for a range of positions, including recruiting assistants, office operations supervisors, clerks, census field supervisors and census takers by completing a single application online. Opportunities are available nationwide and offer flexible work hours, including daytime, evenings and weekends.
Applicants are placed in an applicant pool for 2020 Census field positions and are considered as positions become available. Applications will remain active and updateable throughout the 2020 Census recruiting and hiring period. For more information, contact
1-855-JOB-2020 and select option three. Applicants may also contact the Federal Relay Service at
For more information, please visit the 2020 Census Jobs page or the Census Bureau’s Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages.
We are asking all parishioners to encourage your friends, family and neighbors to
respond now and count everyone who is living or staying at that address—grandparents, babies, and others who may be living with you most of the time. All responses are protected by law and personal identifying information is never shared.
Get started now! Simply go online at or call
844-330-2020 to complete yours and shape your future.