Our parish's outreach ministry plans to send Valentine’s Day Love Boxes to any parishioner who is away in college or the military. To sign up your loved one, click here.
The email address for John Hans, our Maintenance Director, has changed. It is now jhans@stisidorethefarmer.org. Please begin using this email address for all correspondence.
The next Senior Luncheon will be Wednesday, December 7 at 12:00 noon at St. Columbkille Hall. If you have not confirmed your reservation, please call the Parish Office at 724-695-7325. The menu will be Stuffed Chicken Breast, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables and Christmas Cookie. Entertainment provided by West Allegheny Show Choir.
St. Isidore the Farmer Parish Choir will join several other choirs and musical guests for a Christmas Concert. Please join them on Sunday, December 11 at 7:00 pm at McDonald Presbyterian Church - Trinity Center. Not only will you enjoy some beautiful music but the event will be followed with a time of fellowship with cookies and beverages.
The Christian Mothers and Guild Christmas Party will be at Our Lady of Lourdes Hall on Saturday, December 10 at 1:00 pm. Any Christian Mother attending must RSVP by placing a note in the collection basket OR by contacting Mary Beth Monseau at 724 554-9766 by December 1. The cost is $15.00
Please help us decorate our churches for Christmas! We need help at the following places and times: St. Ann Church (967 Grant St, Bulger, PA) on Thursday, December 22 at 10:00 am St. Alphonsus Church (219 W. Lincoln Ave., McDonald, PA) on Friday, December 23 at 9:00 am.
During Advent the Outreach Ministry is collecting these items for the Local Food Pantries: Boxed Cereals and Oatmeals. Please bring your items to church and give to them to the Ministers of Hospitality. Thank you for your donations!
Saint Paul Retreat House will be having a weekend retreat for men on February 10—12, 2023. All men of the parish are invited. If you would like more information about St. Paul Retreat House, click here. Or you may contact our parish's retreat promoter, Michael Kiss at 412-551- 7598 or michaeljkiss@yahoo.com.
Holiday Raffle Tickets are now available. They are $5 each. For tickets contact Marybeth (724) 554-9766 or Melinda (412) 874-8996. They are also available at the Parish Office, 103 Church Rd, Imperial, PA 15126, Monday through Thursday, 9am to 3pm. Winners will be determined based on PA Lottery Drawing on December 17.
The Oplatki Christmas Wafers have arrived and are available at the Parish Office at St. Columbkille, 103 Church Rd, Imperial, PA. Please stop by and pick up your wafers. A donation is requested. The office hours are Monday to Thursday, 9am to 3pm.
Last October, Fr. Richard Gielow from the Vincentians led our parish mission. He authored a book called Walk With Me. You can purchase it at the Parish Office for $6.00. Supplies are limited.
Click here for info. on a Cookie sale being sponsored by West Allegheny Marching Pride on Sunday, December 11, from 9:30am to 12:30pm at the Findlay Activity Center.
All are invited to wish Fr. Ben a happy retirement at a special celebration in his honor! It will be Sunday, December 4th, at St. Patrick Hall. It starts after the 10:30am Mass and will continue until 2pm. You are also welcome to send him a card at:
Very Reverend Benedetto Vaghetto JCL
Diocese of Pittsburgh Pastoral Center
2900 Noblestown Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
The annual cookie and soup sale will be held on Sunday, December 4 from 10:00 am—12:00 pm. We will have five kinds of homemade soup for sale. Cost is $7 per quart. Cookies will be priced from $4 per dozen to $8 per dozen. Please consider baking 4 - 6 dozen cookies for this event. They must be dropped off at Our Lady hall on Dec. 3 between 9am and 2pm.
October 23 is World Mission Sunday. A second collection will be taken. Proceeds will support mission seminaries and religious formation houses, the education of children in mission schools, the building of chapels and churches, and the sustaining of homes for orphaned children, the elderly, and the sick. Thank you for your generosity!
The Burgettsown Volunteer Fire Department will be hosting a Fall Vendor Show at their Hall on November 12th from 10:00 - 4:00. There will be shopping, food, beverages, and a chinese auction.